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Liu, Jingjing, Lili Yu, Rongxin Yin, Mary Ann Piette, Marco Pritoni, Armando Casillas, and Peter Schwartz."Factors Influencing Building Demand Flexibility."
(2023). DOI
Liu, Jingjing, Rongxin Yin, Lili Yu, Mary Ann Piette, Marco Pritoni, Armando Casillas, Jiarong Xie, Tianzhen Hong, Monica Neukomm, and Peter Schwartz."Defining and applying an electricity demand flexibility benchmarking metrics framework for grid-interactive efficient commercial buildings."Advances in Applied Energy
8 (2022) 100107. DOI
Baudette, Maxime, Jaimie Swartz, Keith Moffat, Jasper Pakshong, Leo Chu, Christoph Gehbauer, and Alexandra von Meier."Hardware-In-the-Loop Benchmarking Setup for Phasor Based Control Validation."
(2021). DOI
Casillas, Armando, Guanjing Lin, and Jessica Granderson."Curation of Ground-Truth Validated Benchmarking Datasets for Fault Detection & Diagnostics Tools."2020 ACEEE Summer Study
(2020). DOI
Haves, Philip, Baptiste Ravache, and Mehry Yazdanian."Accuracy of HVAC Load Predictions: Validation of EnergyPlus and DOE-2 using FLEXLAB Measurements."
(2020). DOI
Prakash, Anand, Samir Touzani, Mariam Kiran, Shreya Agarwal, Marco Pritoni, and Jessica Granderson."Deep Reinforcement Learning in Buildings: Implicit Assumptions and their Impact."RLEM'20: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management in Buildings & Cities
(2020). DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, and Sang Hoon Lee."Integrating physics-based models with sensor data: An inverse modeling approach."Building and Environment
154 (2019) 23 - 31. DOI
Lee, Sang Hoon, and Tianzhen Hong."Validation of an inverse model of zone air heat balance."Building and Environment
161 (2019) 106232. DOI
Pang, Xiufeng, Carlos Duarte, Philip Haves, and Frank Chuang."Testing and demonstration of model predictive control applied to a radiant slab cooling system in a building test facility."Energy and Buildings
172 (2018) 432 - 441. DOI
Jia, Hongyuan, Xiufeng Pang, and Philip Haves."Experimentally-determined characteristics of radiant systems for office buildings."Applied Energy
221 (2018) 41 - 54. DOI
Haves, Philip, Xiufeng Pang, and Hongyuan Jia."Experimentally-Determined Characteristics of Radiant Systems for Commercial Buildings."
Mills, Evan, Jessica Granderson, Wanyu R Chan, Richard C Diamond, Philip Haves, Bruce Nordman, Paul A Mathew, Mary Ann Piette, Gerald Robinson, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Green, Clean, & Mean: Pushing the Energy Envelope in Tech Industry Buildings."
."Testing RAPMOD: Can a portable scanner collect existing building data and create an energy model faster and more accurately than a human."14th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association